Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is the Mustang A Day Challenge?

What is the Mustang A Day Challenge??

MADC preliminary painting
Jimmy was named by Artist Linda L Martin.
Jimmy, also known as Jimmy Blacksand,
is the key reason that she became involved
with painting the Sand Wash Bain Wild Horses.
"The naming of a horse suddenly makes
 it personal. One follows the horse and
takes an intersted."

The mustang a day Challenge Project is a personal challenge of Artist and writer Linda L Martin. Linda was a daily painter from 2004 through 2007 although she hadn’t painted horses seriously since 2001. Using her talent to bless people and help preserve the American Wild horse known as the mustang  is the way she has chosen to give back.
The Challenge: To paint one real living Wild American Spanish Mustang a day, 5 days a week for a year( excluding holidays). In this way  Ms. Martin chooses to bpt a face with a name of as many wild horses as possible that are our uniqe American heritage.
To read more about the Mustang a Day project  Visit the  project page on her website: http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/llmartin0/MADC_TheProject.html