Monday, June 13, 2011

This week on Mustang A Day Challenge: "Father's Day on Sand Wash Basin HMA" June 13th-17th

Coming this week: June 13th through June 17th
Starting Monday June 13th:  Fathers Day on Sand Wash Basin HMA
 Tuesday June 14th: Celebrating the Halfway point of the Mustang A Day Challenge with painting #130 and a special give away.
June 14th through June 17th: "Father's Day on the Sand Wash Basin HMA continues"
June 16th Voting ends for the Shadows Contest on  Fine Art America
Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover Art Contest Results,
FT Collins EMM results,
The Mustang A Day Challenge  HALFWAY Giveaway info
Newest Listings on Etsy and Fine Art America

Fathers Day Week on Sand Wash Basin HMA

Vegas and Daughter China
Sand Wash Basin HMA

This week on the Mustang A Day Challenge are paintings celebrating Father’s Day.  Just wait until you see. Three Photographers are  collaborating on this one. Its going to be so much fun!
Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover Art Contest Results,
Here are both of my entries for the Art Contest. I didn’t win this time however I have a better understanding of what they are looking for and I made a new Artist Friend that I will tell you about later in the project.

FT Collins Makeover Results:

Team R&M Performance Horse
L to R   Watson, Robert, Madeleine

Saturday was the last day of the final competition for Watson and Tango in the Extreme Mustang Makeover. One last painting of the two will close the door on their series. I’m going to miss painting Tango and Watson. According to Robert Carlson Tango missed the finals by one point. He was adopted to be the working mount of a Park Ranger in Wyoming. I have a feeling Tango is going to love being back in the wide open spaces.

Watson was the real surprise. Robert Rode him to a 7th place finish but wowed the gathering by bringing  a whopping $5400.00 in the adoption auction. He was the highest bid horse of the entire proceedings times 3 according to photographer A. Spivey who was there photographing the event. Madeleine and Tango came in a very respectable 12 out of 40. Tango is going to his new home as a park ranger horse in Wyoming

Next week I start painting the R&M Mustang Program’s  Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover horses.
You can see photos and videos from the Ft Collins event on the EMM page on Facebook:!/pages/Extreme-Mustang-Makeover/65575491400 
You can see photos of Watson and Tango and their trainers  at the event on the R&M Mustang Program page and on Lightening Bug Creek Photos.

Newly Listed on Etsy:
"Looking Forward"
Madeleine LeClerc and Tango
Now Prints Available on Fine Art America
Prints are framed or unframed
Click Here to Purchase
All of the Finished Original Mustang A Day Challenge  FT Collins Paintings of  R&M Mustang Program horses Tango and Watson are now on ETSY.  A portion of the sale goes to  the Mustang Heritage Foundation for their programs.

You can also purchase prints of all the Ft. Collins Paintings on Fine Art America 

Celebrating the Half way point in the Mustang A Day Challenge:
On Tuesday of this week I will reach painting #130 in the Mustang A Day Challenge. To celebrate I was planning a give away to start Saturday and run through the drawing time on Tuesday. The first 20 to type in HALFWAY on the page would be entered in the drawing.

Well a surprising thing happened. In the first 7 hours of the giveaway we had over 28 entries. Since the rules stated I had to close the entries at 20, I decided to hold a second chance give away. So here are the rules for the Second Chance drawing.
Second Chance drawing (HALFWAY give away winner not eligible)
SECOND CHANCE GIVEAWAY!!!  Due to the popularity of the HALFWAY GIVEAWAY. This giveaway is for ONE 5 by 7 inch, no background painting, winners provide photography within 24 hours of winners posted. To participate simply type in "MeeToo" on my page or the  here on the blog 
More details below:

*One painting given away for every 20 people that enter (up to 80 entries). All entries from the HALFWAY Giveaway are automatically entered except the winner.
*Drawings are held Tues June 14th after 5pm EDST. Watch this space for more info.
*The paintings and the stories of the horses will be posted on the Mustang A Day Challenge blog for Winners week  TBA
*Here is the link to post your entries